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Brentwood College

Skills For Life

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Health & Wellbeing

Promoting Health and Wellbeing is a focus of the College and students are encouraged and supported to be active and make healthy choices in all areas of the curriculum.


Our Manchester United SEND Officer works with staff to plan and support sessions including inclusive sport lunch time clubs, competitions, onsite swimming and rebound therapy. Students also engage with external partners including Access Sport and Trafford College for tailored sport, health and fitness sessions. see partnerships section of the website


Progress is recorded through Health and Wellbeing IEP targets and Awards on Evidence for learning and staff work alongside health professionals to achieve the best outcomes for students.


Students with therapy and care needs have their needs met in College in liaison with the Community Learning Disability Team and a Multi-Disciplinary Team of Therapists. see Therapies section of the website


Therapy needs are bought in by College on a needs basis.  Currently we have physiotherapy (including hydrotherapy) SALT and music therapy professionals supporting students on a weekly basis. We have strong links with social care and community health teams to support our students and families with any issues. Students are assessed on entry to college in conjunction with therapies to ensure any necessary provision and equipment is provided to meet student needs.


