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Brentwood College

Skills For Life

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Careers Information, Advice and Guidance

We have a highly skilled team of staff supported by Connexions who are involved in offering information, advice and guidance. Our joint local knowledge ensures that students and families receive expert advice to achieve the best possible outcomes.


Examples of IAG at Brentwood College –


  • Review Meetings take place annually. Students, parents/carers meet with personal tutors to discuss how they’re getting on and look at any areas for improvement. Progress towards the outcomes in the EHC are discussed and outcomes can be amended if necessary. (An EHCP Team member may attend the review). If involved Health, SALT and Social Care are invited to provide input around students’ support needs in and out of College. Our Connexions adviser attends to provide impartial advice and support about leavers’ destinations.


  • Our Annual ‘Beyond Brentwood’ Event takes place in the Spring Term each year and among the local providers attending are a number of social care providers who will talk to parents/carers about their offers. Connexions, Trafford Centre for Independent Living and other advice organisations are also present to give advice on a range of topics including benefits, independent living, post Brentwood destinations and out of college activities.


  • Parent coffee mornings are held where our staff can help with specific issues. Guests are often invited including social workers, LD health Team, benefits advisors.


  • Parents evenings are offered twice a year to discuss progress with tutors and the class teams. Parents are also shown examples of students’ work and photos and videos of curriculum activities.


  • IAG exit meetings (can be included in final review) take place when needed to support students and their families to plan for the move to their post-Brentwood provision.


  • Students have access to support from Brentwood College for up to 6 months after finishing a course.


The Team

Jude Lomas


Russell Irving

College Lead

Helen Welsh

Family Support

Mick McHugh

Connexions Advisor

Students each have an employment/vocational related target which is assessed in line with our assessment process.  Student's destinations are tracked after they leave college. 
