Community Inclusion
It is a priority that students learn to make productive use of their leisure time and are included in their communities. We offer a wide range of community and leisure activities, some of which are supported by our Manchester United Foundation SEND officer.
Students spend a significant part of their timetable out in the community engaging in varied activities. In doing so they work on developing the diversity of their interests and experiences while learning how to stay safe. Students work on their travel skills both using the college minibuses as well as public transport. Whilst in the community students develop their understanding of socially acceptable behaviour and their responsibilities as adults.
Students learn about their local communities and access activities that they can continue with when they leave Brentwood, supported by their families or social care provision. Students are encouraged to try a range of different activities and learn to communicate their feelings about them. They choose new indoor and outdoor activities and learn about suitable clothes to wear, if equipment is needed and how to participate safely interacting with peers and members of the community appropriately.
Students also work on how to be part of a group, how to accept differences with other people and communicate effectively. This includes developing their social skills to engage meaningfully with their peers in terms of communication and jointly participating in activities, to aid in broadening their horizons for the future beyond education.