Quality Awards
Trafford Inclusion Charter
Brentwood is pleased to share this NAS Accreditation report, detailing how we have continued to retain our Autism Accreditation. This is a prestigious award that recognises and validates the excellent provision we provide for our students with a diagnosis of autism.
Comments from parents and carers, 2021:
"My son's teacher is amazing"
"Staff are always positive and look for positive strategies"
"Attempts to increase flexibility and social interaction are challenging, therefore thank you for you perseverance"
"I am happy the targets are helping [my child] towards more independence"
Apprenticeship Awards 2021
We are delighted to have won Business Provider of the Year-Teaching Assistant. We are committed to developing the skills and expertise of staff so that our students receive the very best in teaching and learning. We have a number of Teaching Assistants who have worked exceptionally hard to successfully complete Level 3 Apprenticeship training and gain additional qualifications in Literacy, maths and IT. We enjoyed celebrating our success during the virtual awards ceremony