Students are supported to develop appropriate communication strategies according to their needs, which may include speech, symbols and photographs, sign and assistive technologies. All students have communication targets and staff work alongside the Speech and Language team to develop their communication skills. Progress in communication is recorded on the communication strand of our assessment system.
Examples of the specialist SEN strategies we use include: PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System), Social Stories, Signalong (an adapted signing method to support the development of language), Intensive Interaction, Proloqo to go, Snap Core First, Lego therapy, Switches and Big Macs. Increasingly, technology is used to support students and promote their independence both within college and out in the community.
Students are supported to develop social skills and encouraged to engage in appropriate social interaction. Students are given opportunities to use their functional communication in a range of situations and wherever possible to express their preferences and make choices about activities they find rewarding. The importance of learner voice is prioritised at all levels of learning