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Brentwood College

Skills For Life

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Update from the Headteacher

Hi Everyone
I hope you have all had a good half term.

We now have four confirmed cases of Covid at Brentwood. One is in sixth form, and the other three are in lower school, all within one class. We have traced all contacts and consequently have a significant number of students and staff who are self-isolating. The relevant rooms have been deep cleaned and we have assessed the staffing situation. At this stage we are able to open school to all students who have not been asked to self-isolate. As you will be aware, given the current situation, this position may change very quickly and I will keep you posted as and when this happens.

If you have any concerns about school and college provision at this time, please do not hesitate to contact me either through dojo, or my email: and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Just a reminder that if your son/daughter or a member of your household is ill, showing symptoms of Covid, please do not send them into school and please get them tested. If you're son/daughter becomes ill in school we will contact you to collect them. I appreciate that not all coughs and colds are Covid related but we need to be extremely vigilant in ensuring that we keep school and college safe.

Enjoy the last day of the holidays and stay well
